YARD DOG can be diluted with up to 50 parts water. For extreme oil removal, dilute 1:1 with water for the quickest response. For marine engine cleaning, and under-hood auto and truck cleaning, dilute YARD DOG with up to 5 parts water. For chassis cleaning, general fleet washing dilutes YARD DOG with up to 40 parts water. For internal tank washing and padding, use as needed per application. For kitchen use, dilute with up to 10 parts water for floor cleaning, and as needed for vents and grills, depending on grease accumulation.
Appearance…………………… Clear, pale amber
pH…………………………………. 13±.5
Specific Gravity………………… 1.02
Percent Active…………………. 20-30%
Flash Point……………………….. None
Dilution…………………………….. Up to 50:1 with water
Foam………………………………… Low-Moderate
Hardwater Tolerance………… Excellent
Ammonia………………………….. None
Butyl…………………………………… Yes
Phosphate……………………………. None
Storage Stability……………………. Excellent/indefinite
Biodegradable Surfactants………. Yes
Causes severe irritation to skin. Causes severe irritation and damage to eyes. Mists and vapors can cause irritation to eyes, nose, and throat. Ingestion can damage mouth, throat, and other tissues and may be fatal.