Apex may be diluted up with up to 64 parts water, depending on usage. For heavy duty cleaning, dilute with 5-10 parts water. For medium duty cleaning, dilute with up to 16 parts water. For light duty cleaning, dilute with up to 64 parts water.
Appearance……………………… Clear, purple liquid
pH……………………………………. 13±.5
Specific Gravity…………………. 1.05
Percent Active……………………. 30-35%
Flash Point…………………………. None
Dilution…………………………….. Up to 64:1 with water
Foam…………………………………. Low-Moderate
Hardwater Tolerance…………… Excellent
Ammonia……………………………… None
Butyl……………………………………… None
Phosphate……………………………… None
Storage Stability…………………….. Excellent, indefinite
USDA Registered?……………………. Yes A-1
Causes severe irritation and burns to skin. Causes severe burns and damage to eyes. Mists and spray can be irritating to eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract. Harmful or fatal if swallowed.